The V350's strong suit is scanning photographic prints. All three modes include options for software-based dust removal and for restoring color to faded photographs-both of which worked reasonably well on my tests. You can switch to Home mode and control a few settings, including adjusting brightness after a preview, or you can switch to Professional mode, which gives you much more control, with settings for color balance, saturation, and more. The default mode is fully automatic, much like a point-and-shoot camera, handling virtually all of the settings for you.
Epson perfection v500 photo scanner uk driver#
Alternatively, you can press a button on the scanner to start a scan by calling up the Twain driver directly.
Epson perfection v500 photo scanner uk drivers#
The V350 comes with Arcsoft PhotoImpression 5 for editing photos, FineReader Sprint 6.0 for recognizing text, and both Twain and WIA drivers so that you can scan from most programs that have a scan feature.
Once I got past the initial design surprise, using the scanner was easy enough, thanks in large part to Epson's driver. In addition, when you scan, you'll have to place photos and documents with the top of the page facing to the right instead of the top. You'll have trouble reaching them there if you're left-handed and trouble reading the labels, as their text will be sideways, running from bottom to top. But the buttons will wind up in the rear, on the right, as well. Place the scanner so the lid lifts towards the back and the power and USB connectors will be in back, out of the way. But the power and USB connectors will also be at front right, where the cables may get in the way. The button labels and scanner name will be oriented correctly, reading from left to right. If you place the scanner so the lid opens to the side, the buttons will be on the front right. The lid's hinges are attached along the scanner's long side, rather than the short side, as with most scanners. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.